Thursday, May 23, 2013

sail away with Corona....

So, I have recently quit my job as a psychiatric nurse so I could spend the summer with my kiddos. I missed being a stay at home mommy...i missed my leisurely coffee dates with friends....and frankly, I missed my babies. Period. So after much thought and prayer, my husband and I decided it would ultimately be best that I quit a job I love to stay home with the kids.

Being a stay at home mom rocks. It really really does. But I've noticed the last few nights...come 7ish o'clock...I start dreaming about drinking a glass of wine (or 3...oops) and all I want is for these little miracles to GO TO BED. So...I have revised my "being a mommy is the most wonderful thing on the planet" "being a mommy is the most wonderful thing on the planet ...until 7. Then the kids grow horns and turn into psych patients."

I often hesitate about posting about "needing a glass of wine" because of the kids or "omg they are driving me crazy" on facebook and other social media sites, because well, honestly, I have friends who have lost kids. I KNOW in my heart that my BAD evenings arent' bad. And I know that I WILL miss this someday. Another reason I hesitate is because I worry so badly about other moms judging me. But I think I've come to terms with that and decided that I am over it. I'm a good mom. I'm not BAD or awful because I want to have a drink (or 3) when the kids are going crazy. I'm not awful for wanting them to just "go away" for 20 minutes. And I"m not awful for writing this. I think that's why mothers have such a hard time. Too many people putting on a june cleaver front, when in fact, they are drinking the cooking wine also.

My kids are in bed now. And it's too quiet. I miss them. I can't wait until tomorrow. I love their little smiley faces. But I'm enjoying this beer.....alot.....