Monday, February 6, 2012

Proverbs 17:17

Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble." Proverbs 17:17

I have been thinking about this verse all week! I LOVE it! So honest, so good, so true. I have been so blessed this last year to meet some of the greatest friends and people I have ever known. There kindness really showed today especially. My kids have a 3 day weekend from school and I ofcourse, still have class. (boooooo). So I was worrying all weekend about what I was going to do with them. We are too broke for my husband to miss any more work! But once again, God works everything out and my kids had a great day! They both got to stay places with friends I trust 100% and with friends they know and love. A year ago, I would have been so lost and would have had nobody to help me out, but my friends were so sweet, helpful and more then willing to help! I am so thankful!
Family too, my whole family, husband, mother, sister, kids have been burdened by me going back to school ...and every single one of them have been so generous! So kind...and so willing to help! I would be so lost without all of these wonderful people God has given me....and for them...I am SO thankful!

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