Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The Definition of Chaos in the Dictionary reads: "A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. 2. A disorderly mass; a jumble".

Personally, if I were to re-write the dictionary..I would post a picture of my house. And that ..without words..would define it perfectly! It would be the greatest thing. Therefore, illiterate people ( so many....) would be able to see!

What would you see....well, let me give you the full picture of "chaos" aka my house. If you were to walk through the front door right now you would see lots of things. You would see piles and piles of clean laundry on my sofa, you would see a mountainous pile of dirty laundry sitting outside the laundry room. (keep in mind we are still in the living room). You would see a pile of dogfood that Hollyn was diligently "snacking/playing " with. And onto the kitchen. Dinner dishes...EVERYWHERE...,  a puddle of juice that Holly dumped on the floor, etc. etc. It is AWFUL! It disgusts me, fills me up with utter frustration. Drives me CRAZY. And strangely....I clean all day. It's hard to do dishes when theirs a 1 year old holding onto your leg, screaming "MOMMY"..."MOMMY" 100x over and over. It's hard to have clean clothes when Holly is eating cookies in the laundry basket. (Although, that's minor to me, and they will still get hung up).

Is this the way it is supposed to be???! When I got pregnant with River I had this Picture perfect little picture in my head! So excited! I was going to be supermom. I was going to have an immaculately clean home, that always smelled like cookies, long days of nothing but playing! Awww....where exactly does this world exist??! Their are the "fairy tale" days...where everything is clean, we have no homework, and everything works just the way I want it to...but they are few and far between!

I know this sounds like a complaint..but it's not! I LOVE my chaotic life! LOVE it! I love having 3 kids...would definately have more if we could afford it. Hubby says no...but hey, maybe when Im out of school? 5 years down the road? Or....maybe not! I literally love being around kids! LOVE it. In spite of Lily and River beating the crud out of each other, Hollyn being super needy, River whining about homework, Lily throwing the most massive tantrums EVER...I LOVE being a mom! I do! Just wish we had more "fairy tale" days and less evenings where I want to pull my hair out. "Enjoy these moments..they go so fast". Everyone says it! So it makes me sad when we have less then enjoyable evenings. Makes me sad to count down hours till bedtime. Craziness! I love craziness. I set myself up for it, I really do. I volunteer to be room parent, theme basket coordinator, girl scout snack coordinator, PTA, playgroup organizer, church volunteer...dun-dunnn-dunn! Supermom! What I always wanted!

Be careful what you wish for.....

you just might get it......

now I'm going to go cuddle with my teensy little one year old, and enjoy this mommy stuff the way I'm supposed to....I'll get to this "mess" later. :)

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