Friday, November 5, 2010

A Man's Diet...haha!

Anyone know of what consists of 4 rowdy little boys, alot of noise, and crazy mayhem? River's cub scout troop!! Lots of fun!

So, last nights activity was a cut and paste activity. The kids were to cut out different foods from the various food groups and paste them onto a piece of paper to somewhat resemble the infamous food pyramid. Well, between the boys talking loudly, going crazy and Hollyn in the background...well, I wasn't really paying attention to what exactly River was doing.

When I looked at River's finished work...I saw a piece of construction paper that had the following things glued on it: cookies, pie, Cereal bars, cake, and.......(drumroll please..).....BEER. Yes, my kid decided to cut out some beer for his food pyramid. What a rebel. Funny thing being, Andy and I don't really drink. I say really, because Andy absolutely does not, and I will on occasion. Goes to show though, the man's diet is consistent upon those things. Starting young! I will definately post a picture later to show everyone his wonderful masterpiece!!

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