Sunday, May 15, 2011


So, I've been thinking alot lately about people in general and how we judge and view one another. It all SEEMS so simple on the outside. You look at a man with his beautiful children..and you think wow, great clean, well-dressed, so ...simply perfect! Then you look at a woman with bright red hair , a mini-skirt and some hooker boots and you think..trash, unkept, poor-poor sweet kids..look at their mom. And then say you go behind doors..and view these families in a way that only God can. And behind closed doors, the well dressed man cheats on his wife, shouts in front of his kids and lives in a way that EVERY
ONE would consider un-admirable ...if only they knew. (but they don't). And then look in the other house with the mother who dresses a little off and you see her hugging and kissing her kids..making cookies and reading them scripture before bed. But that's not how we see people is it?
   I'm guilty just like everybody else. But I'm really trying to work on this! I have given myself a new rule. When you see somebody for the first time, before you start analyzing this person...go say hello, and then think three nice things before "attempting" to play God and place judgment.
   We had a church core class this evening where we spoke of spiritual gifts and which ones we do and don't possess and I believe mine was discernment. I seem to have a keen eye for being able to see through people. I can tell good and bad intentions, I can see the fake people, their sick love for money, their phony-ness around others. I can just ...sense it. It's like when somebody asks somebody "how are you?", and they reply "fine"...I can always tell when they are lying. Sometimes this doesn't seem like a gift, I don't like being able to read people that well, because it makes it alot harder to "not judge" people and to make good friends.
   When it comes to this, my biggest place in judgment is when children are involved. For example, I see a mother putting her one year old in the car at the grocery store, and I think "Why the hell is that child not in a carseat!? Is she fricking stupid?" and then I have to remind myself...that perhaps this isn't between me and isn't my job to super-parent the world. Or is it? Do i call the police? When is it crossing the line and just acting plain crazy?! I have no clue! Or the mid of winter, the parents all bundled up, and carrying around the sockless , infant in a onezie. What do you do? Do you judge them? Do you Ask them if they need help? Will they smack you if you say something? How do you deal with these situations? I HAVE NO IDEA.
   My point being, people judge each other everyday...whether we mean to or not. And I'm making  it a huge point to be more open minded. To not shun others for acting out of norm...trying to see the world and others through ^HIS^ eyes and not mine. I'm still figuring out how to do this..........

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