Friday, May 27, 2011

Welcome to the most shocking rose ceremony in writing prompt history. Please award roses to the ten people (or items) in your life that you'd like to continue pursuing a relationship with.

This is another writing prompt...sounded interesting! Plus, I'm bored! (yes, I have home-work and dirty laundry..but I need "me" time!)

So...Welcome to the most shocking rose ceremony in writing prompt history. Please award roses to the ten people (or items) in your life that you'd like to continue pursuing a relationship with.*decided to make this a very non-serious list*

1. My hairbrush* I wake up looking like the geico caveman..thank God my husband loves me regardless..but others would run away screaming "Zombie Apocolypse"! I was not blessed with "jessica alba" hair...I instead got a mixture between Taylor Swift and Steven Tyler...blahhh!

2. Coffee* Ohhhh...the mornings where Hollyn screams so loud that I think something may break, and River and Lily are fighting...nothing fixes my day like coffee! Ahhhh....

3. Facebook* My little indulgence to life outside of "my life"'s nice hearing about other peoples crazy days when my own life is going nutso!

4. My car* it's an old, messy mommy mobile...but it is paid for..and gets me from A to B...aww..the little things! And it is wayyyy tooo hot to walk in Texas!

5. My Plants* They make me crazy happy...I dunno's strange....

6. Desperate Housewives* It's like a soap opera...only better!

7. The washer and Drier* has yours ever broke with 3 kids and  a weeks worth of laundry? Nuff said...

8. The internet* How else would I worry myself like crazy if I didn't have internet to look up my kiddos sniffly nose symptoms every time they get sick? Sheesh...

9. Paper plates* shhh...don't tell the environmentalists! These will save TONS of dishes...sorry mother nature!

10. On a more serious note...I'm really thankful for the big things...such as an everloving GOD, my husband, my children, my friends, my, money, LiFe, the list goes on and on and on.......


Mama’s Losin’ It

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