Sunday, May 22, 2011

My 10 biggest fears.

Mama’s Losin’ It

Another writing prompt!

 So my 10 biggest fears and why...dunn..dunnnnn...dun!

*Losing a child #1: I fear this because the world is a scary place! I have seen this first hand...I would never recover! I would be devastated....completely dead inside. This is my BIGGEST FEAR EVER!
* Dying #2; Before you call me a "Christian hypocrite" please hear me out! I feat this because I know my children genuinely need me. Their are certain things fathers can't do by themselves. If God wants to take me...I pray he does it after my kids are 18. I know Heaven will be wonderful! I do! I just want to raise my babies!
*Failure #3: I hate starting things that I could possibly fail. I have too much pride...I take things way too personally!
* Acceptance #4: Hate to admit this..but I always wonder what peoples first impression of me is. I don't think it's good. I think I'm an acquired taste! I think people think I look "young" or "dumb"...blah....
* Being dumped #5: rather it be by a husband, friend, child...I really fear getting hurt by someone I love!
* My kids being atheist #6: Another silly one! But I want my kids to know and love Christ! I want their souls saved someday! I can't fathom the minds of atheist and do not want my kids to ever have those "non-beliefs".
* Failing as a mom #7: Do I punish well enough? Do I do a good enough job? Do they get enough hugs? it goes on and on and on and on and on.....
*Getting in a car wreck with my children in my car #8: I should bump this up to number 2! I am so paranoid driving! So scared.....
* FORGIVENESS! #9: I know this is bad...another "your a Christian...this should be easy..." well...for me it's not! I fear forgiving people because then I think that maybe ...just maybe I am opening a gate for people to hurt me again!
* Abduction #10: My kids are so stinkin cute...I just know someone out there wants to take them! I know...silly silly....but that is a HUGE fear of mine! those are my fears! I know God says "do not not have fears" but these are mine! I do my best everyday to hand them to God!

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